About us
The National Consortium for Sequencing and Personalized Medicine, NorSeq is a consortium with partners at the universities and university hospitals in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø. The aim of NorSeq is twofold:
- To provide cost-efficient high throughput DNA sequencing to researchers
- To facilitate the development and implementation of personalized
medicine in Norway.
In addition to perform the actual sequencing for researchers, an important part of our activities is to advice researchers on what is the best strategy for their particular project and thereby help researchers choose the sequencing protocol that is optimal for them in their research. We also perform some bioinformatics analysis for users and work to expand our offering in this area. If users need more bioinformatics assistance than we can provide they are referred to Elixir.
NorSeq is funded by a generous grant from The Research Council of Norway (RCN) which has made it possible for us to acquire state-of-the-art sequencing equipment. In addition, NorSeq receives funding to support the daily activities from The Regional Health Authorities and the universities and university hospitals in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø.
NorSeq brings together the leading genomics service environments in Norway, and is organized as a hub and spoke model. The following sites are members of the consortium and provide sequencing services to users.
NorSeq-Cancer (Oslo)